Kikambala Aid Trust

to provide water, electricity and sanitation in Kikambala villages  

The stated objectives of the charity are

1.   To relieve poverty,sickness and need

2.   To relieve unemployment

3.   To advance education by providing or assisting in the provision of educational facilities

These objects will be primarily undertaken in the coastal area of Kenya.


We aim to achieve these objectives by building wells providing clean water. The wells will use local materials and provide work for local people.Crops can be watered and also used by animals. Villagers should no longer have to walk long distances to buy water.

By enabling the supply of electricity to local villages, the villagers will begin to have a better quality of life and also provide work.Electricity once connected is considerably cheaper than kerosene.

Communication is a big problem with workers often being long distances from their families. We will provide mobile phones so contact can be kept between family members.

By providing seeds and tools villagers can be educated in self sufficiency and self esteem can be built and motivation created.

Educational facilities can be enhanced by the supply of books and equipment. Food programmes may be supported.

Toilets and showers for community use may be built as money allows.


This is not necessarily a complete list of work which might be undertaken.